Feature repository

Feast users use Feast to manage two important sets of configuration:

  • Configuration about how to run Feast on your infrastructure

  • Feature definitions

With Feast, the above configuration can be written declaratively and stored as code in a central location. This central location is called a feature repository. The feature repository is the declarative source of truth for what the desired state of a feature store should be.

The Feast CLI uses the feature repository to configure, deploy, and manage your feature store.

What is a feature repository?

A feature repository consists of:

  • A collection of Python files containing feature declarations.

  • A feature_store.yaml file containing infrastructural configuration.

  • A .feastignore file containing paths in the feature repository to ignore.

Structure of a feature repository

The structure of a feature repository is as follows:

  • The root of the repository should contain a feature_store.yaml file and may contain a .feastignore file.

  • The repository should contain Python files that contain feature definitions.

  • The repository can contain other files as well, including documentation and potentially data files.

An example structure of a feature repository is shown below:

$ tree -a
├── data
│   └── driver_stats.parquet
├── driver_features.py
├── feature_store.yaml
└── .feastignore

1 directory, 4 files

A couple of things to note about the feature repository:

  • Feast reads all Python files recursively when feast apply is ran, including subdirectories, even if they don't contain feature definitions.

  • It's recommended to add .feastignore and add paths to all imperative scripts if you need to store them inside the feature registry.

The feature_store.yaml configuration file

The configuration for a feature store is stored in a file named feature_store.yaml , which must be located at the root of a feature repository. An example feature_store.yaml file is shown below:

project: my_feature_repo_1
registry: data/metadata.db
provider: local
    path: data/online_store.db

The feature_store.yaml file configures how the feature store should run. See feature_store.yaml for more details.

The .feastignore file

This file contains paths that should be ignored when running feast apply. An example .feastignore is shown below:

# Ignore virtual environment

# Ignore a specific Python file

# Ignore all Python files directly under scripts directory

# Ignore all "foo.py" anywhere under scripts directory

See .feastignore for more details.

Feature definitions

A feature repository can also contain one or more Python files that contain feature definitions. An example feature definition file is shown below:

from datetime import timedelta

from feast import BigQuerySource, Entity, Feature, FeatureView, ValueType

driver_locations_source = BigQuerySource(

driver = Entity(
    description="driver id",

driver_locations = FeatureView(
        Feature(name="lat", dtype=ValueType.FLOAT),
        Feature(name="lon", dtype=ValueType.STRING),

To declare new feature definitions, just add code to the feature repository, either in existing files or in a new file. For more information on how to define features, see Feature Views.

Next steps

Last updated

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