MySQL (contrib)


The MySQL online store provides support for materializing feature values into a MySQL database for serving online features.

  • Only the latest feature values are persisted

Getting started

In order to use this online store, you'll need to run pip install 'feast[mysql]'. You can get started by then running feast init and then setting the feature_store.yaml as described below.


project: my_feature_repo
registry: data/registry.db
provider: local
    type: mysql
    host: DB_HOST
    port: DB_PORT
    database: DB_NAME
    user: DB_USERNAME
    password: DB_PASSWORD

The full set of configuration options is available in MySQLOnlineStoreConfig.

Functionality Matrix

The set of functionality supported by online stores is described in detail here. Below is a matrix indicating which functionality is supported by the Mys online store.

To compare this set of functionality against other online stores, please see the full functionality matrix.