

The Snowflake offline store provides support for reading SnowflakeSources.

  • All joins happen within Snowflake.

  • Entity dataframes can be provided as a SQL query or can be provided as a Pandas dataframe. A Pandas dataframes will be uploaded to Snowflake as a temporary table in order to complete join operations.

Getting started

In order to use this offline store, you'll need to run pip install 'feast[snowflake]'.

If you're using a file based registry, then you'll also need to install the relevant cloud extra (pip install 'feast[snowflake, CLOUD]' where CLOUD is one of aws, gcp, azure)

You can get started by then running feast init -t snowflake.


project: my_feature_repo
registry: data/registry.db
provider: local
  type: snowflake.offline
  user: user_login
  password: user_password
  role: sysadmin
  warehouse: demo_wh
  database: FEAST

The full set of configuration options is available in SnowflakeOfflineStoreConfig.

Functionality Matrix

The set of functionality supported by offline stores is described in detail here. Below is a matrix indicating which functionality is supported by the Snowflake offline store.

Below is a matrix indicating which functionality is supported by SnowflakeRetrievalJob.

To compare this set of functionality against other offline stores, please see the full functionality matrix.

Last updated