The Snowflake online store provides support for materializing feature values into a Snowflake Transient Table for serving online features.
Only the latest feature values are persisted
The data model for using a Snowflake Transient Table as an online store follows a tall format (one row per feature)):
"entity_feature_key" (BINARY) -- unique key used when reading specific feature_view x entity combination
"entity_key" (BINARY) -- repeated key currently unused for reading entity_combination
"feature_name" (VARCHAR)
"value" (BINARY)
"event_ts" (TIMESTAMP)
"created_ts" (TIMESTAMP)
(This model may be subject to change when Snowflake Hybrid Tables are released)
Getting started
In order to use this online store, you'll need to run pip install 'feast[snowflake]'
. You can then get started with the command feast init REPO_NAME -t snowflake
Tags KWARGs Actions:
"snowflake-online-store/online_path": Adding the "snowflake-online-store/online_path" key to a FeatureView tags parameter allows you to choose the online table path for the online serving table (ex. "{database}"."{schema}").
The full set of configuration options is available in SnowflakeOnlineStoreConfig.
Functionality Matrix
The set of functionality supported by online stores is described in detail here. Below is a matrix indicating which functionality is supported by the Snowflake online store.
To compare this set of functionality against other online stores, please see the full functionality matrix.
Last updated