Feature retrieval


Generally, Feast supports several patterns of feature retrieval:

  1. Training data generation (via feature_store.get_historical_features(...))

  2. Offline feature retrieval for batch scoring (via feature_store.get_historical_features(...))

  3. Online feature retrieval for real-time model predictions (via feature_store.get_online_features(...))

Each of these retrieval mechanisms accept:

  • some way of specifying entities (to fetch features for)

  • some way to specify the features to fetch (either via feature services, which group features needed for a model version, or feature references)

How to: generate training data

Feast abstracts away point-in-time join complexities with the get_historical_features API.

It expects an entity dataframe (or SQL query) and a list of feature references (or feature service)

Option 1: using feature references (to pick individual features when exploring data)

entity_df = pd.DataFrame.from_dict(
        "driver_id": [1001, 1002, 1003, 1004, 1001],
        "event_timestamp": [
            datetime(2021, 4, 12, 10, 59, 42),
            datetime(2021, 4, 12, 8, 12, 10),
            datetime(2021, 4, 12, 16, 40, 26),
            datetime(2021, 4, 12, 15, 1, 12),
training_df = store.get_historical_features(

Option 2: using feature services (to version models)

entity_df = pd.DataFrame.from_dict(
        "driver_id": [1001, 1002, 1003, 1004, 1001],
        "event_timestamp": [
            datetime(2021, 4, 12, 10, 59, 42),
            datetime(2021, 4, 12, 8, 12, 10),
            datetime(2021, 4, 12, 16, 40, 26),
            datetime(2021, 4, 12, 15, 1, 12),
training_df = store.get_historical_features(
How to: retrieve offline features for batch scoring

The main difference here from training data generation is how to handle timestamps in the entity dataframe. You want to pass in the current time to get the latest feature values for all your entities.

Option 1: fetching features with entity dataframe

from feast import FeatureStore
import pandas as pd

store = FeatureStore(repo_path=".")

# Get the latest feature values for unique entities
entity_df = pd.DataFrame.from_dict({"driver_id": [1001, 1002, 1003, 1004, 1005],})
entity_df["event_timestamp"] = pd.to_datetime("now", utc=True)
batch_scoring_features = store.get_historical_features(
    entity_df=entity_df, features=store.get_feature_service("model_v2"),
# predictions = model.predict(batch_scoring_features)

Option 2: fetching features using a SQL query to generate entities

from feast import FeatureStore
import pandas as pd

store = FeatureStore(repo_path=".")

# Get the latest feature values for unique entities
batch_scoring_features = store.get_historical_features(
            CURRENT_TIME() as event_timestamp 
        FROM entity_source_table 
        WHERE user_last_active_time BETWEEN '2019-01-01' and '2020-12-31'
        GROUP BY user_id
# predictions = model.predict(batch_scoring_features)
How to: retrieve online features for real-time model inference

Feast will ensure the latest feature values for registered features are available. At retrieval time, you need to supply a list of entities and the corresponding features to be retrieved. Similar to get_historical_features, we recommend using feature services as a mechanism for grouping features in a model version.

Note: unlike get_historical_features, the entity_rows do not need timestamps since you only want one feature value per entity key.

features = store.get_online_features(
            "driver_id": 1001,

Feature Services

A feature service is an object that represents a logical group of features from one or more feature views. Feature Services allows features from within a feature view to be used as needed by an ML model. Users can expect to create one feature service per model version, allowing for tracking of the features used by models.

from driver_ratings_feature_view import driver_ratings_fv
from driver_trips_feature_view import driver_stats_fv

driver_stats_fs = FeatureService(
    features=[driver_stats_fv, driver_ratings_fv[["lifetime_rating"]]]

Feature services are used during

  • The generation of training datasets when querying feature views in order to find historical feature values. A single training dataset may consist of features from multiple feature views.

  • Retrieval of features for batch scoring from the offline store (e.g. with an entity dataframe where all timestamps are now())

  • Retrieval of features from the online store for online inference (with smaller batch sizes). The features retrieved from the online store may also belong to multiple feature views.

Feature services enable referencing all or some features from a feature view.

Retrieving from the online store with a feature service

from feast import FeatureStore
feature_store = FeatureStore('.')  # Initialize the feature store

feature_service = feature_store.get_feature_service("driver_activity")
features = feature_store.get_online_features(
    features=feature_service, entity_rows=[entity_dict]

Retrieving from the offline store with a feature service

from feast import FeatureStore
feature_store = FeatureStore('.')  # Initialize the feature store

feature_service = feature_store.get_feature_service("driver_activity")
feature_store.get_historical_features(features=feature_service, entity_df=entity_df)

Feature References

This mechanism of retrieving features is only recommended as you're experimenting. Once you want to launch experiments or serve models, feature services are recommended.

Feature references uniquely identify feature values in Feast. The structure of a feature reference in string form is as follows: <feature_view>:<feature>

Feature references are used for the retrieval of features from Feast:

online_features = fs.get_online_features(
        # {join_key: entity_value}
        {'driver': 'driver_1001'}

It is possible to retrieve features from multiple feature views with a single request, and Feast is able to join features from multiple tables in order to build a training dataset. However, it is not possible to reference (or retrieve) features from multiple projects at the same time.

Event timestamp

The timestamp on which an event occurred, as found in a feature view's data source. The event timestamp describes the event time at which a feature was observed or generated.

Event timestamps are used during point-in-time joins to ensure that the latest feature values are joined from feature views onto entity rows. Event timestamps are also used to ensure that old feature values aren't served to models during online serving.


A dataset is a collection of rows that is produced by a historical retrieval from Feast in order to train a model. A dataset is produced by a join from one or more feature views onto an entity dataframe. Therefore, a dataset may consist of features from multiple feature views.

Dataset vs Feature View: Feature views contain the schema of data and a reference to where data can be found (through its data source). Datasets are the actual data manifestation of querying those data sources.

Dataset vs Data Source: Datasets are the output of historical retrieval, whereas data sources are the inputs. One or more data sources can be used in the creation of a dataset.

Last updated