Azure AKS (with Terraform)


This guide installs Feast on Azure using our reference Terraform configuration.

This Terraform configuration creates the following resources:

  • Kubernetes cluster on Azure AKS

  • Kafka managed by HDInsight

  • Postgres database for Feast metadata, running as a pod on AKS

  • Redis cluster, using Azure Cache for Redis

  • Staging Azure blob storage container to store temporary data

1. Requirements

2. Configure Terraform

Create a .tfvars file underfeast/infra/terraform/azure. Name the file. In our example, we use my_feast.tfvars. You can see the full list of configuration variables in At a minimum, you need to set name_prefix and resource_group:

name_prefix = "feast"
resource_group = "Feast" # pre-existing resource group

3. Apply

After completing the configuration, initialize Terraform and apply:

$ cd feast/infra/terraform/azure
$ terraform init
$ terraform apply -var-file=my_feast.tfvars

4. Connect to Feast using Jupyter

After all pods are running, connect to the Jupyter Notebook Server running in the cluster.

To connect to the remote Feast server you just created, forward a port from the remote k8s cluster to your local machine.

kubectl port-forward $(kubectl get pod -o | grep jupyter) 8888:8888
Forwarding from -> 8888
Forwarding from [::1]:8888 -> 8888

You can now connect to the bundled Jupyter Notebook Server at localhost:8888 and follow the example Jupyter notebook.

Last updated

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