Kubernetes (with Helm)


This guide installs Feast on an existing Kubernetes cluster, and ensures the following services are running:

  • Feast Core

  • Feast Online Serving

  • Postgres

  • Redis

  • Feast Jupyter (Optional)

  • Prometheus (Optional)

1. Requirements

  1. Install and configure Kubectl

  2. Install Helm 3

2. Preparation

Add the Feast Helm repository and download the latest charts:

helm repo add feast-charts https://feast-helm-charts.storage.googleapis.com
helm repo update

Feast includes a Helm chart that installs all necessary components to run Feast Core, Feast Online Serving, and an example Jupyter notebook.

Feast Core requires Postgres to run, which requires a secret to be set on Kubernetes:

kubectl create secret generic feast-postgresql --from-literal=postgresql-password=password

3. Installation

Install Feast using Helm. The pods may take a few minutes to initialize.

helm install feast-release feast-charts/feast

4. Use Jupyter to connect to Feast

After all the pods are in a RUNNING state, port-forward to the Jupyter Notebook Server in the cluster:

kubectl port-forward \
$(kubectl get pod -l app=feast-jupyter -o custom-columns=:metadata.name) 8888:8888
Forwarding from -> 8888
Forwarding from [::1]:8888 -> 8888

You can now connect to the bundled Jupyter Notebook Server at localhost:8888 and follow the example Jupyter notebook.

5. Further Reading

Last updated

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